Looking Back

This blog features poems by a native New Englander and octogenarian, as he looks back on the stomping grounds of his youth -- Chaffee's Woods, Kent Heights, Beach Pond, Escoheag, Wood River -- and his army days in Europe towards the end of WWII.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Now Jeff who is my elder son
Who went to school for just a while
Then traveled ‘round the countryside
‘Fore settling down in Washington
He’s climbed the mountain trails alone
And often slept ‘neath starry skies
Enjoying what may come along
From all the birds, to deer and bear

Who sometimes took his old kayak
And up into the Cascades went
To paddle on a stream he knows
To practice and to test his boat
But often just to get away
From cares that cities often have
That bring a need to be alone
To take the pressures from his life.

But often he would take his wife
And with his two-seat kayak go
Out upon Vancouver Bay where
He and she would move for days
Around the isles that fill the Sound
While catching fish to supplement
The food they brought along with them
Jeff and puppy Phooka
Then sleeping on an isle of choice.

Jeff likes to hunt, so got a dog
A ten-month pup, a good Black Lab
Then trained the dog so very well
That when he hunts for ducks or geese
The Phooka’s ready to retrieve
Whatever lands, no matter where
He’s off the moment Jeff commands
And brings the bird back to the hand.

I now see in my elder son
The feelings that I had myself
The love of water and the woods
That puts us in a different world
And though our lives are far apart
He in the West, and I the East
I’m satisfied that now he’s found
The things I knew, when just a boy.


Nate, Jeff and the Phooka 2010

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